PUR or Perfect Binding

PUR Binding vs. EVA Binding: Which Is Right for Your Project?

When it comes to choosing the best binding method for your printed book, understanding the differences between PUR and EVA binding can help you make an informed decision. Let’s delve into the specifics of each method to determine which binding option is best suited for your project.

What is PUR Binding?

PUR binding, or Polyurethane Reactive binding, is a popular adhesive bookbinding method known for its strong and durable finish. The adhesive used in PUR binding is polyurethane reactive, which creates a robust bond between the spine and the book’s cover. The process involves spreading a layer of adhesive along the spine and mounting the cover over it, effectively binding the sections to the cover.

What is Perfect Binding (EVA)?

Perfect binding, also known as EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) binding, uses adhesives to bind the book. This method is similar to PUR binding in terms of process but differs in the type of adhesive used. EVA adhesives are considered weaker than PUR adhesives but offer certain advantages in specific scenarios.

Key Factors to Consider: Performance and Budget


Regarding performance, PUR binding outshines EVA binding due to its superior strength and durability. PUR adhesive forms a highly effective bond that can withstand extreme temperatures, making it ideal for various paper stocks, including coated, uncoated, and even UV-coated paper. Additionally, PUR binding offers better flexibility and lay-flat abilities, ensuring the book can be opened and used without damaging the spine. This makes PUR binding the preferred choice for high-quality, long-lasting books.

EVA binding, on the other hand, is less durable and can be reactivated by heat, which might not be suitable for books that will be used frequently or in varying environmental conditions. However, EVA binding is still effective for less demanding applications and can be cost-effective for certain projects.


Cost is a significant factor when choosing between PUR and EVA binding. While PUR binding offers superior performance, it comes at a higher cost due to the more expensive adhesive and the additional time required for cleaning the binding machines after use. If you are working with a tight budget and need to bind large quantities of books, EVA binding might be the more economical choice. EVA adhesives cure quickly and are easier to handle, which can reduce overall production costs.

Detailed Comparison: PUR or Perfect Binding (EVA)

Adhesive Properties

  • PUR Adhesive: Polyurethane reactive adhesive is known for its strong initial bond strength and ability to bond to various materials. It forms a flexible and durable elastomeric film that does not melt under high temperatures and remains intact even in cold conditions.
  • EVA Adhesive: Ethylene Vinyl Acetate adhesive is a thermoplastic adhesive that sets quickly and has a longer shelf life. It is less resistant to extreme temperatures and can become brittle or melt depending on environmental conditions.

Application and Durability

  • PUR Binding: Suitable for books with high page counts, coated and uncoated stocks, and materials that need to endure rigorous use. It uses less adhesive, reducing spine distortion and creating a cleaner appearance. It is ideal for premium products that require durability and longevity.
  • EVA Binding: Best for short to medium runs, thread-sewn books, and projects where cost is a major concern. EVA adhesives are easy to use and clean, making them suitable for large-volume production runs with less stringent performance requirements.

Why Choose PUR Binding?

  • Stronger Bond: Provides a bond up to 50% stronger than EVA, making it ideal for high-use items.
  • Flexibility: Offers superior lay-flat qualities and flexibility.
  • Temperature Resistance: Remains stable in both high and low temperatures.
  • Versatility: Can bind a wide range of paper stocks and finishes.

Why Choose EVA Binding?

  • Cost-Effective: Lower cost compared to PUR, making it suitable for large volume projects.
  • Fast Curing: Quick set time and ease of use.
  • Ideal for Thread-Sewn Books: Works well with thicker glue applications for thread-sewn books.

Both PUR and EVA binding methods have their advantages. PUR binding is the best choice for projects that require superior strength, flexibility, and durability. EVA binding is an excellent option for cost-effective, high-volume production runs where budget constraints are a priority.

We can provide expert advice to help you choose the best binding method for your specific needs. For pricing information on PUR Binding please visit –

About Jamie Rand

I'm the Business Development Manager at Imprint Digital, a leading book printing company. This blog is where I share insights and strategies from my journey, offering advice for everyone in the publishing and printing industry.