The Role of Print in a Digital World: Why Tangible Materials Still Matter

In an age dominated by digital media and communication, it may seem as if print is becoming obsolete. However, despite the growth of digital platforms, printed materials, especially paperback and hardback books, continue to hold a vital role in various industries and personal lives. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of printed materials in a digital world, delving into the unique qualities and advantages of tangible materials that ensure their continued relevance.

Printed Marketing Materials

In an era dominated by digital marketing strategies, the enduring value of print marketing materials often gets overlooked. However, printed materials continue to have an impact on how people process and retain information. Direct mail marketing, in particular, has a significant advantage in reaching a targeted audience. Studies have shown that direct mail boasts a 4.9% response rate for prospect lists, significantly higher than the average response rate for email (0.12%). This demonstrates the advertising power of print media in capturing attention and driving engagement.

Personalisation in print advertising

One key benefit of print marketing materials is their ability to be personalised. Personalisation in print can range from simply addressing the recipient by name to tailoring the message to the recipient’s interests and behaviours. This level of customisation creates a more engaging and personalised experience for the reader. By using variable data printing, businesses can create unique mailers for each recipient, customising text, images, and offers based on the recipient’s interests and past purchases.

Leaflets and Flyers

Leaflets and flyers remain effective tools for promoting events, products, or services. Their tangibility allows for a multi-sensory experience that digital media cannot replicate. Research indicates that 79% of recipients either keep the leaflets they receive or share them with a friend. This interaction can lead to increased brand recognition and recall. Additionally, 78% of consumers glance at the messages in the flyers posted through their door, with 23% reading them thoroughly. Compare this to an open rate in an email (roughly 25%), and you can see why printed materials are so effective.

Business branding through books

One of the most significant advantages of print materials is their physical nature. People enjoy holding a printed book, magazine, or brochure, as it offers an experience that digital platforms cannot replicate. This creates a stronger connection between the reader and the material, leading to higher engagement and retention.

Writing a book has become a powerful tool for building personal and professional brands. A book establishes authority and credibility within a field, increasing visibility and raising your profile. Books can be a valuable marketing tool, generating new business opportunities and speaking invitations. Moreover, a book has the potential to cement your legacy and create a lasting impact on readers. By sharing valuable knowledge and insights, authors can differentiate themselves from competitors and dominate specific niches, enhancing their credibility and attracting clients.

Credibility and Trustworthiness:

Printed books are often seen as more credible and trustworthy than their digital counterparts. The time and effort required to create a printed piece lend an air of legitimacy that can be lacking in digital content. Furthermore, print materials are less susceptible to manipulation, making them a more reliable source of information.

Owning a physical book offers a sense of possession that ebooks cannot replicate. Building a personal library or book collection is a source of pride and enjoyment for many readers, allowing them to display their literary interests and connect with other book enthusiasts. Physical books also make great gifts, allowing the receiver to appreciate the thought and effort put into selecting the perfect title.

Print’s role in early childhood development

Print awareness plays a crucial role in early childhood literacy development. It helps children understand that written words communicate just as spoken words do. This concept is not innate but develops through exposure to different books and stories at school and home. Print awareness aids in interpreting the print encountered in everyday life and is an essential pre-reading concept for children to grasp.

Children learn that in English, we read from left to right and from top to bottom and that printed words have different purposes in different contexts.

Reading on a screen often reduces focus and a shorter attention span due to notifications, pop-ups, and multitasking. In contrast, print materials allow readers to focus entirely on the content without digital distractions, leading to better comprehension and a more immersive experience.

Less Screen Time and Eye Strain:

Excessive screen time can cause eye strain, fatigue, and other health issues. It has also been associated with adverse mental and physical health outcomes, especially for children. Reading physical books reduces the amount of blue light exposure that comes from digital screens, which can cause eye strain and fatigue and disrupt sleep patterns.

Printed books provide a more comfortable and natural reading experience, especially for extended periods. This benefits their physical health and contributes to better mental well-being, as people are less likely to experience the stress and anxiety often associated with prolonged digital exposure.

Nostalgia and Emotional Appeal:

Print materials often evoke a sense of nostalgia and emotional appeal that digital platforms cannot match. The smell of a new book, the sound of turning pages, or the excitement of receiving a physical magazine or catalogue in the mail all contribute to an emotional connection that digital media struggles to replicate.

Versatility and Accessibility:

While digital platforms are highly versatile, print materials still offer a range of formats and options that cater to various needs and preferences. For example, large print books provide better accessibility for those with vision impairments, while printed brochures and flyers can be easily shared and distributed in public spaces. In addition, not everyone has access to digital devices or reliable internet connections, making print materials an essential resource for reaching a wider audience.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact:

With advances in sustainable printing practices and materials, print materials can have a lower environmental impact than previously thought. Using recycled paper, vegetable-based inks, and eco-friendly production processes, print materials can be a more sustainable option than digital devices, which require energy for production and usage.

Print’s Contribution to Digital Detox

In an era dominated by digital media, the importance of printed materials has gained new significance as a tool for digital detox. Printed materials offer a respite from the constant barrage of digital information, providing a unique opportunity to disconnect and recharge.

Mindful consumption of information

Unlike digital platforms that bombard users with endless content, print media offers a curated selection of high-quality content. This allows readers to engage with information more deeply and thoughtfully. The physical act of turning pages creates a dedicated space for concentrated reading, free from the distractions of notifications and hyperlinks. Studies have shown that readers tend to exhibit better comprehension and recall when consuming information from physical texts than digital ones.

Reading Experience:

The tactile experience of holding a physical book and turning its pages can create a deeper connection with the content and provide a more immersive reading experience than ebooks. Additionally, some readers find it easier to remember the content when they can physically flip through the pages, enhancing comprehension and retention.

No Dependency on Devices:

Printed books do not require any electronic devices, such as e-readers or tablets, to be enjoyed. Readers can access their books anytime, anywhere, without worrying about battery life, device compatibility, or software updates. In addition, physical books are less likely to be affected by technological obsolescence, ensuring their long-term accessibility.

Resale and Second-Hand Market:

Hardback books have a well-established second-hand market, allowing readers to buy, sell, or trade their books with others. This promotes affordability and encourages the circulation of books, contributing to a sustainable reading culture.

Even though the digital world keeps growing and changing, there’s still something special about printed books that digital books can’t replace. Their lasting appeal shows just how important printed materials are, even in today’s digital age, and they continue to be a cherished part of our lives.


What function does print media serve today? Print media remains relevant in the digital era by allowing for targeted communication that appeals to specific interests and demographics. This focused approach tends to engage readers more deeply and foster greater loyalty.

Why are physical or printed materials still valued in an era dominated by digital media? Printed materials offer a tangible aspect that digital formats cannot match. The ability to physically interact with a printed item adds a layer of permanence and accessibility, as it does not depend on electronic devices or power to be useful.

What makes printed materials significant? Printed materials engage users by providing content that establishes a connection between the consumer and the brand. Thanks to compelling articles, special promotions, and engaging content, this interaction can enhance brand recognition and drive sales.


About Jamie Rand

I'm the Business Development Manager at Imprint Digital, a leading book printing company. This blog is where I share insights and strategies from my journey, offering advice for everyone in the publishing and printing industry.