UK Self-Publishing Costs: Profits Explained

Self-publishing can be a viable option for UK authors, but understanding the costs and potential profits is crucial. From editing to marketing, here’s a breakdown of the economics involved in self-publishing.

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How to Write a Children’s Book

From brainstorming ideas to seeing your book on the shelves, publishing a children’s book in the UK can be a thrilling journey. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step, with plenty of tips and encouragement along the way. So buckle up, put on your creativity hat, and let’s get started!

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The Role of Print in a Digital World: Why Tangible Materials Still Matter

In an age dominated by digital media and communication, it may seem as if print is becoming obsolete. However, despite the growth of digital platforms, printed materials especially paperback and hardback books continue to hold a vital role in various industries and personal life. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of print in a…

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Email Marketing Authors: A Guide to Generating More Revenue

Email marketing is still a core digital marketing strategy. It allows businesses to send valuable content, nurture leads, and generate revenue. While large corporations have already mastered email marketing, small and medium businesses are still picking up.  Don’t miss out like some of these businesses. As a self-publisher, you can also maximize the revenue opportunities…

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